The Time Hack You're Not Using: 3 Steps to Dominate Your Schedule

Manage your time effectively with practical tips using tools like Google Sheets and UpNote, along with ideal week planning for a balanced personal and professional life.

Ever feel like there aren't enough hours in the day? Trust me, I've been there. But what if I told you that with a few simple tricks, you could take control of your time and make it work for you?

Buckle up my friends, because we're about to dive into the world of effective time management!

Time is one of the few non-renewable resources we have. Once it's gone, we can't get it back. That makes managing it wisely not just a skill but a necessity. Whether you're juggling work, personal commitments, or both, having a solid system in place can make all the difference.

Master Time with 3 Simple Planning Techniques

It's all about planning your time on three different levels: yearly, weekly, and daily. Sounds fancy, right? Don't worry, it's easier than you think!

Time Management Strategy Top Performers Don

1. The Year at a Glance: Long-term Planning Made Simple

First up, we've got the "year at a glance" view. This nifty tool gives you a bird's-eye view of your entire year. It's like having a crystal ball, but for your schedule!

I stumbled upon this idea while exploring bullet journaling (yeah, I'm a bit of a productivity nerd).

The concept is simple: lay out your whole year on one page. It's perfect for plotting those big-picture events and goals.

Now, I know what you're thinking - "But I'm not artistic enough for bullet journaling!" No worries!

By using a tool like Google Sheets, you can set up a full-year view of your calendar, where you can mark significant events, deadlines, or goals. This helps you get a bird’s-eye view of what’s coming up, so you’re not caught off guard by a busy month or important milestones.

Why It Works:

  • Clear Overview: Seeing your entire year laid out helps you plan better and avoid last-minute rushes.

  • Coordination: Whether it's personal goals like vacations or professional deadlines, having them all in one place helps you align them effectively.

I’ve found this technique to be incredibly useful when balancing my commitments. You could even convert this system into a digital format using apps like UpNote or Samsung Notes for easier access and mobility.

Practical Tip: At the beginning of each month, check your year-at-a-glance to ensure you’re on track and adjust accordingly. Having this bird’s-eye view keeps you in control, no matter how busy life gets.

It's a game-changer for managing your year efficiently. If you're more of a pen-and-paper person, use it. Tools you use doesn't matter; just use the technique.

The Time Hack You

2. The Ideal Week: Structuring Your Time for Success

Next on our list is the "ideal week planning" component. This is where the magic happens, folks!

You've got 168 hours in a week (I did the math for you, you're welcome).

The trick is to allocate these hours to various tasks and goals. I like to create an ideal week calendar in Google Calendar. It's like playing Tetris, but with your schedule!

The idea is to allocate your time by creating an ideal schedule for the week. By blocking out specific times for tasks like work, personal activities, and even leisure, you can ensure you're maximizing your productivity while still finding time for the things that matter most.

The beauty of this method is that it helps you maximize productivity while ensuring you don't neglect the important stuff. And by important stuff, I mean things like preparing healthy meals, hitting the gym, or binge-watching your favorite show (hey, we all need some downtime!).

As i said, I use Google Calendar to create this "ideal week." It’s flexible and easy to update, which makes it perfect for accommodating unexpected events.

For example, I structure my workday to start at 7 AM when my energy is highest and always account for personal activities, like preparing healthy meals.

Why It Works:

  • Intentional Scheduling: Allocating specific blocks of time for work, exercise, and family ensures you don’t overlook essential activities.

  • Balance: Your ideal week should not only focus on work; it’s about creating harmony between productivity and personal life.

Practical Tip: Take some time every Sunday evening to plan your week. Start by blocking off your non-negotiable commitments, like work hours or meetings, and then fill in the rest of your activities.

Unlock the Secret of Time Masters

3. The Daily Grind: Tackling Each Day with Purpose

Last but not least, we've got daily planning. This is where the rubber meets the road, my friends.

Start by defining your daily routines. For me, that means rising and shining at 6 AM (okay, sometimes it's more like stumbling and grumbling). I've got a solid morning routine that includes breakfast and journaling.

And to make sure I'm not turning into a zombie, I hit the hay by 11 PM for a good eight hours of shut-eye.

The key here is to structure your day around your energy levels. I'm a morning person (don't hate me), so I kick off my workday at 7 AM when I'm feeling fresh and ready to conquer the world.

A "daily quest" means setting three major tasks for the day—one for work, one for health, and one for relationships. This helps keep your focus on what matters most and ensures that you’re always working toward your larger goals.

For example, on a typical day, I might aim to write for an hour, go for a run, and check in with extended family members or friends. By keeping it simple with just three goals, I avoid the overwhelm of a never-ending to-do list.

Why It Works:

  • Simplicity: Having just three main goals per day keeps you focused and prevents burnout.

  • Consistency: You’re not only working but also improving your health and relationships each day.

Practical Tip: Use a digital tool like the TickTick app to track your daily quests. It keeps you accountable and ensures you stay on top of things.

Now, I know what you're thinking - "That's all well and good, but how do I make this work for MY life?" Great question! Let's break it down.

Flex Those Time Blocks

The beauty of this system is its flexibility. Whether you're a part-time blogger, a full-time office warrior, or somewhere in between, you can make it work.

For instance, I block out time for deep work, blogging (gotta keep those articles coming), and writing my book. But I also make sure to pencil in time for the fun stuff.

Sunday morning for a quiet coffee and journaling session? You bet.

A creative writing session to brainstorm new ideas? It's in the calendar, too!

Why It Works:

  • Clear Focus: You know exactly what task you should be doing at any given time, reducing decision fatigue.

  • Adaptability: Time blocks can be adjusted as needed, making the system flexible.

Practical Tip: Reserve a few time blocks each week for unexpected tasks or emergencies. This allows you to adapt without completely disrupting your schedule.

Sacred Spaces

One of the most important things I've learned is the power of "sacred spaces" in your schedule. These are the non-negotiables - the things that keep you sane and happy.

For me, that includes blocks for friends and family, personal development (hello, cooking classes!), and social dinners. By giving these activities a permanent spot in my ideal week, I ensure they don't get pushed aside when life gets hectic.

The Guilt-Free Zone

Here's a little secret: it's okay if you can't fit everything in. Mind-blowing, right?

I used to beat myself up about not having enough time for blogging. But then I realized - it's not about having time, it's about making time. And sometimes, that means choosing not to make time for certain activities.

The ideal week exercise helps you identify your true priorities. It's like a reality check for your schedule. If something doesn't fit, don't stress. It's not that you don't have time; it's that you're choosing to prioritize other things right now. And that's totally okay!

So, how does this all play out in real life?

Let me walk you through a typical week in my shoes.

I start by reviewing my calendar for the upcoming week. I create new time blocks for specific tasks, like writing chapters for my book or prepping for team meetings.

The key is to stay consistent with my ideal week framework while allowing for necessary adjustments.

To keep things running smoothly, I use tools like the TickTick app. It's great for managing tasks and syncs beautifully with my calendar. This makes day-to-day planning a breeze.

Each morning, I kick off with a clear plan, guided by my calendar entries. But here's where it gets fun - I also set "daily quests."

These are three key focuses for the day, covering work, health, and relationships.

It's like a mini-game within my day, keeping me accountable and ensuring I don't neglect the important stuff.

Now, I know what you're thinking - "This sounds great, but isn't it a bit... rigid?" Trust me, I get it.

But here's the thing: structure doesn't have to mean inflexibility.

Having a well-organized calendar actually gives you more freedom. It eliminates the chaos of trying to remember everything and reduces decision fatigue.

When you know you've got a block for calling family members right after your blogging session, you don't have to stress about when you'll fit it in.

This system works across all three levels - annual, weekly, and daily. It's like having a GPS for your life, guiding you towards your goals while still allowing for detours when needed.

By combining long-term planning with short-term focus, you can create a system that ensures you’re making the most of your time. The year-at-a-glance method gives you the big picture, while the ideal week and daily quests help you stay grounded and productive.


At the end of the day, time is our most precious resource. We can't make more of it, but we can sure as heck use it more wisely.

This system isn't about squeezing every last drop of productivity out of your day. It's about being intentional with your time. It's about making sure you're not just busy, but busy with the things that truly matter to you.

Time management isn’t just about getting things done—it’s about being intentional with how you spend your time. When you have a clear plan in place, you can prioritize what’s truly important and create a life that feels balanced, productive, and fulfilling.

Whether that's family dinners, date nights, or finally writing that novel you've been dreaming about - your calendar should reflect your values and priorities.

As you define these temporal "containers," you'll find a growing sense of peace. You'll know that the essential aspects of your life are being taken care of, without the constant stress of trying to juggle everything in your head.

So, are you ready to take control of your time? Trust me, your future self will thank you.

And hey, who knows?

You might even find time for that hobby you've been putting off for years. Underwater basket weaving, anyone?

Remember, time management isn't about doing more. It's about doing what matters most. So go forth, structure your time, and live your best life!

And if you want to dive deeper into this topic, stick around.

I've got plenty more time management tricks up my sleeve that I've picked up over the years.

But for now, why don't you take a moment to think about how you can start implementing these strategies in your own life? Your time starts... now!

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